October 22, 2008

Why Do Women Even Bother to Practice Christianity?

Christianity is a man's world with "holy" passages written by men used to control other men, but particularly women. For centuries, bibble verses have been used to justify horrible treatment and forced submission of women. Even today. I can no longer fathom why any woman would choose to follow such an oppressive invisible sky daddy.

And now, this behavior is affecting football. FOOTBALL. Because you know, gawd truly cares about football:

Controversy follows girl football kicker

A female football kicker was let back on the field last weekend. But controversy keeps swirling around the decision to let her play football with home-schooled and private school boys.

The Georgia Football League official who sidelined Spalding County kicker Kacy Stuart for most of the season based on her gender gave in and allowed her to play. But he doesn't want to discuss it.

"There's no story," said Hank St. Denis, the league's executive board chairman. "She's playing, isn't she? End of story."

In August, St. Denis told Kacy, 14, she could not play after she was accepted by and practiced with the New Creation Center Crusaders.

The first team Kacy faced relied on the Bible to express its beliefs about female football players in a pre-game statement, said New Creation athletic director Coach Ken Townley.

"The East Atlanta Mustangs didn't play us under protest but they were allowed to read a statement on their beliefs about female football players," Townley said. "They used biblical verses from the book of Romans. I was very stunned by that."

Mustangs Coach Alan Hawkins did not immediately return phone calls or e-mails Monday asking for comment. St. Denis didn't want to discuss why he changed his mind after being sent a letter from an attorney representing the Stuarts.

The Crusaders beat the Mustangs 39-8, with Kacy doing all the kicking and completing three extra-point attempts, Townley said.

"She's an amazing kicker and I'm glad she got to play," he said. "She's a natural, she's really good and only 14."

The Crusaders were slated to face the Bartow Generals Saturday for the last game of the regular season but that has been scrapped. Kacy's mother, Angie, thinks the team doesn't want to face a girl.

But Generals coach Mike Gifford disputed that. "We're not playing them but for reasons not related to that," he said, without elaborating.

The Crusaders, who won the league championship last year, have a 4-3 record, Townley said, and are expected in the playoffs.

Instead, Townley said the Crusaders will play LaGrange's Dawson Street Christian School Wildcats Oct. 30 at 7 p.m.

So, to please their invisible sky daddy, adults are willing to subject a 14-year old girl to discrimination, oppression, and humiliation. This goes beyond a "girls shouldn't play football" mentality. I understand the physical differences between the sexes, but she's a kicker. She'll be fine. What these men are saying is that "you're a girl and you suck. We want nothing to do with you because your actions do not fit our bigoted world view."

But I'll wager that these moronic men are still going to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. But I wonder how they can justify giving a woman the second most powerful job in America while destroying a young girl's psyche over a game.

September 30, 2008

Another Case of Mad Cow Disease

Mad Cow disease is alive an well in Cincinnati.

IDDLETOWN -- A Middletown woman is accused of being disorderly in public -- while wearing a cow suit.

A police report filed about the incident said Michelle Allen allegedly chased children in her neighborhood while wearing the suit on Monday evening.

Allen also urinated on a neighbor's front porch, the report said, and was warned by officers to go home and stay there.

Allen was charged with disorderly conduct after an officer found her causing traffic problems on North Verity Parkway.

The officer's report stated that Allen was verbally abusive to him on the trip to jail and smelled of alcohol.

The report did not speculate as to why Allen was wearing the cow suit.

September 12, 2008

"It's Man's World And These Things Will Never Stop"

"It's Man's World And These Things Will Never Stop" 

So goes the chilling quote by an elderly lady as she responds to an "honor" killing in her village:

In a tangle of bushes and trees outside a remote village in southwest Pakistan, six close male relatives of three teenage girls dug a 4-foot wide by 6-foot deep ditch, on a sweltering night in mid-July, and allegedly buried the girls alive.

The girls' crime: they dared to defy the will of their fathers and the customs of their tribe and choose their own husbands. The mother of one of the girls and the aunt of another were shot and killed while begging for the girls' lives, according to local media reports.

This is a despicable act was "carried out according to tribal traditions," said Israrullah Zehri, a senator representing Balochistan in the upper house of Pakistan's parliament in the capital Islamabad. "These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them," he said.

These are poor, uneducated people who have followed a set of traditions laid down by old men who wanted to control their tribes, especially their women. It is hard to imagine a life such as this in the United States, but looking into the third world reveals horrors and atrocities committed solely on the basis of ancient superstitions and religious texts. 

This event is something to think about the next time you read in the Old Testament (Torah) about how it was okay for parents to stone their children outside the city gates if they rebelled. Rebellion. You know, like wanting to marry somebody you love as opposed to somebody your dad or religion says.

September 11, 2008

9-11. The Day Religion Became Evil for Me

I hate this day. The events of 9/11/2001 will haunt me and everybody in this country for ever. And we have religion to thank for that. I was a Christian at the time and used my religion to find peace and understanding. But now that I'm an atheist, 9-11has come to represent  for me just how much religion poisons everything. It is a serious delusion that poisons the minds of its followers. I am hopeful that in my lifetime that I will see the measurable decline of all religions. I hope to go to my grave knowing that rational thought and logic will ultimately win out over superstition and ignorance.

In related 9-11 news, Marie Cocco wrote a great piece over at TruthDig about McCain and Obama exploiting the events of 9-11 for political gain.

Yet their decision to visit the site where the Twin Towers once stood is distasteful stagecraft, the sort that a city still striving to recover can probably do without. The Obama campaign says the joint visit was set when the Democratic candidate phoned McCain to congratulate him on his speech to the Republican National Convention, and said that "since they'd be in NYC together that they should go to Ground Zero together," an Obama campaign aide said. "McCain immediately agreed." The two candidates are scheduled to speak on Thursday night at the ServiceNation Summit in New York, an event organized to promote national service as an appropriate response to the events of 9/11.

That, in a word, is the issue. What is appropriate for two political candidates, neither of whom represents New York or the metropolitan area that suffered so much, in a city that grieves so openly on this day?

I totally agree. They have no business being there. The media circus surrounding their visit will be entirely inappropriate for the somberness of the occasions. I'm sure their hearts are in the right places, but McCain and Obama need use their brains and think about the bigger picture rather than their campaigns. Great. Now I have another reason to hate today.

September 10, 2008

Welcome to the Internet, Loser

I created this blog to find support for and follow my progress in letting Electronic Arts know that their biggest attack on Christian values to date will not be tolerated.

We can not allow the gaming industry to invade our homes and poison the minds of our children.

After all, their billions in revenue and all the advertising in the world are no match for the power of God.

Great. Another christian looney starting a blog to whine about persecution and something attacking his god or values. My favorite part is him writing that the gaming industry is "invading our homes" and poisoning the "minds of our children." I've yet to see a news story about Electronic Arts commandos storming the homes of innocent and unsuspecting Christians and FORCING them to play the game Spore. It sure would be more interesting if that was the case, but this is just another demonstration of some religious nutjob getting his feelings hurt because not everybody subscribes to his world view.

I would like to own this game and would have no problems letting my seven-year old daughter play. Besides, its only a game. It's not like it will actually teach anybody about evolutionary biology. But if it will get my daughter thinking about evolution and get her mind away from the creation nonsense she's getting brainswashed with at Sunday school, I'll glady take that.

September 08, 2008

Eating Outside the Box...Literally

I got this mini article as part of an e-mail from T-Nation this weekend. Enjoy.

Don't eat anything that comes in a box. Why? Prior to oh, about the 18th century, very few people had diabetes. Then came the invention of industrial-type mills that were able to grind flour to a fine powder. Whammo! Cases of diabetes start to pop up within a decade or so.

It might be mere coincidence, but I tend to think not. Instead, I think that the fine milling greatly increased the glycemic, or insulin, index of the foods it was used in. Prior to high-powered milling, flour had big chunks of fiber in it, kind of like the toilet paper they use in third world countries. As such, it digested slowly, as the bread-equivalent of a two-by-four is wont to do.

That wasn't the case with the new grain products. The fine powdery flour was digested much more quickly than even sugar and consequently caused a big tidal flood of insulin to be released. After years of eating this way, the peasants first became insulin resistant, and then fat. And some would develop diabetes.

It's no different today. Almost any food product you can think of that comes in a box is highly processed, and as such, the insulin index is way off the scale. It's my belief that eating high insulin-index, boxed foods, causes most of the obesity in the country.

And furthermore, these processed foods almost always contain an abundance of trans fatty acids, simply because they don't go rancid as quickly as unsaturated oils.

In short, buy fresh foods whenever possible.

September 05, 2008

Republican Talking Head Hypocracy Exposed

Reason #263 why The Daily Show should be required viewing for EVERYBODY: