July 05, 2005

In the Beginning...

...there was Pork Boy. And he was not pleased. Not by a long shot.

Not obese, but overweight for his 6'2" frame. Always feeling tired. Sore and tight back. Achey joints. Protruding gut. Crappy diet. Low self-esteem.

After several failed and aborted attempts to turn things, I finally got fed up. I am going to change. I am going to live the way I want to live. Be the man I want to be. And look the way I want to look.

I hope to set myself on fire and eventually kill the old me.

"Dissatisfaction is the basis of progress. When we become satisfied we become obsolete."--Marriot

My deepest fear is that I will not accomplish my goal. That I will at best come up just short or worse, fail yet again. If I can't do this, my mind says, why should I be able to do anything? There will be no point in setting the bar high ever again. Always aim low and I'll never be disappointed.

"If any organism fails to fulfill its potentialities, it becomes sick."--William James

Here is the article that inspired me to take this journey--the journey from Pork Boy to Spork Boy. To set the bar higher than I ever have. I don't expect to achieve the results of this guy, but I do expect some pretty damn impressive results. And I expect to finish the journey.

Here's hoping.

Stay tuned.

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