February 06, 2007

Metallica is My Messiah

Gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire

Okay, maybe not my messiah but certainly my savior today. If it weren't for the words and music of "Fuel" by Metallica I would not have survived my sprints (Seven 30-second sprints with 90 seconds rest). I had to play that song twice to pull through the last two.

Oh, on I burn
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard
Loose and clean

Oh, and on I burn
Churning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire

I had not sprinted for a couple of months but had done many slow and steady runs or intervals with longer intensity periods (90 seconds on/180 seconds rest). Today was so warm that I took off my shirt. Had I been in a public place I surely would have blinded many with my pasty white flesh. And I was served a reminder as to how much further I have to go in accomplishing my body composition goals as I felt the remaining fat around my belly wiggle while sprinting. I'll take motivation from any corner.

Motivation for what? My 10 Percent Solution. I'll have more on that in another post, but essentially this is series of obtainable goals I've set for myself in 2007, culminating in reaching an overall body fat of ten percent (I'm currently carrying a 15 percent body fat after dropping seven points in 2006).

After finally regaining my health after a two month battle with an upper respitory plague thing, I'm currently in the middle of week two of my four-week ramp up program prior to starting my 10 Percent Solution.

This is going to be challenging and fun. I hope to learn a bit about myself as well.

On I burn.

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