March 30, 2007

Great New Weight Loss Products

Random blog fodder touting the benefits of terrific new weight loss products.

As you can see on CNN...
Here is piece of spam I received at work the other day. I did not edit this:

Anatrim – The latest and most fascinating product for over-weight people is now available – As you could see on CNN

Do you realize excessive body kilograms kill a plenty of people for every new year? We know that you hate the ugly appearance of those people and the low status they have in modern society. Moreover, you have not the will to withstand pressure of your pernicious eating habits. If it all sounds familiar, then we got something to propose to you!

We’re proudly introduce you Anatrim, the later product for the reduction of your body’s extra weight. The most astonishing thing is that Anatrim improves the quality of your life, repressing the feeling of hunger and giving you gay spirit. Here are what people say on this product:

"It is wonderful! I stopped gorging any food close at hand and watching TV constantly I became keen on exercise. Anatrim put me back on the right path. I have a great form now and there are lots of men following me with their eyes!
"Victoria K., Bellevue WA:

"Passive weight losing was of no result to me. I could not restrain my ravenous appetite. One day I heard about Anatrim from my very best friend and I was really impressed at the information. I had tried to use it, and my wife said I look very good now, 3 months later. 26 pounds have gone away and I keep losing them! And you know, the bedroom thing is cool, too."
Mike Brown, New York

Anatrim helps you to understand you got no such great need for that much food. It raises your spirit, supplies you with energy, and attacks useless kilos. Especial thanks to its powerful distinguished formula!!

"And you know, the bedroom thing is cool, too!" What bedroom thing? Sleeping?

Wake Up With Happy Smiley George
Now here's a product I would like to see:

1 comment:

Rob Rogers said...

Hey, if you want, I could phone your home at, say, 5 a.m. and shout that at you. Wouldn't that be fun?