January 19, 2006

A Lesson in Body Fat

Here's an important lesson I learned tonight when getting my body fat measure: Use the same person each time you measure.

On January 4, 2005, I measured in at a body fat of 20.7%. I weighed around 219. Since that day, I put on 9 pounds and eventually topped out at 228 before finally getting around to losing weight.

On January 9, 2006, I tipped the scale at 200 pounds. I figured it was time to get my body fat tested again. My pants had been fitting better, my face looked leaner, and I had been receiving compliments at work. Time to quantify my success.

This new gal pinched the everlovin' shit out of me and took measurements that gave me a body fat reading of 22.7%. That's right. I increased my fat mass over the year while still losing weight.

According to her, anyway. She was supportive and explained each person grips differently when taking measurements. As I rub the sore spot on my side I'm thinking, "ya think?" She also told me to come see her in 4-6 weeks to take another reading.

I'm trying hard to keep things in perspective. What I do know is that I've dropped a notch on my belt and can wear 34" waist jeans again instead of only 36". I'm going to stick with that even though right now I'm ready to eat a gallon of ice cream.

And she can bet her smug little personal trainer ass that she'll see me again in 4-6 weeks.

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