March 07, 2008

Now That's Irony: Abortions Highest Where Religion is Highest

Austin Cline at has a nice analysis about an article first published in The Guardian.
Abortions Highest Where Religion is Highest
Given how opposition to legal abortion is almost entirely based on religious dogma, one might think that areas where belief in religious dogma is highest will be areas where abortion is lowest. That, however, is incorrect - abortion rates are highest in places where religiosity is highest but lowest in more secular areas. This is not an incidental correlation: not only does it disprove the popular idea that secularism destroys the moral values which oppose abortion, but it points to how religion itself can make demand for abortion higher.
While I'm not taking this as, if you'll excuse the expression, the end-all gospel, I will say that this is just another nail in the coffin of the "moral superiority" that is religion. The more religious leaders try to control their flocks, the worse things get.

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